Before reading the book, I had assumed that Modesty was some kind of cowgirl, but she is in fact an ex-international-jewel-thief-turned-secret-agent. She is of course fantastically beautiful as well as having her own, somewhat unrealistic fighting style. Modesty would fit in very well with our current Nuts culture in which stripping and feminism seem to have become confused, as her clothes come off pretty regularly. One of her preferred moves is "The Nailer", which consists of getting her nawks out and then taking advantage of the surprise this causes. Hilarious, but only a male author would think hand-to-hand fighting with unrestrained hooters was a good idea.
Modesty also comes equipped with Willie Garvin, her surprisingly likable right hand man. Willie is a cockney ex-criminal and in many other books in the "silly thriller" category would just have been a generic forelock-tugging representative of the lower orders. However, it soon becomes clear that he lays on the "apples and pears, guv'nor" stuff because it suits him to have the toffs write him off as an idiot.
Modesty's prefered weapon is also absolutely cool as... well, too cool for corroborative nouns. She favours the yawara, a tiny, handbag-sized blunt instrument. I was so impressed I considered making one for a bit, then decided that any hard object which will stick out a bit from your fist (phone, pen, hairbrush, cutlery) could be used the same way, without the legal implications of having a purpose-built weapon.
I can see myself searching Abe for the rest of the Modesty Blaise books, now. The only thing that can touch them in terms of adventure coupled with high camp is the Saint books. And would Simon Templar ever distract the guards by dropping his kecks, then take them on in unarmed combat with his tackle swinging about? He would not.
*Yeah, I'm well aware of the irony that only kept women have the time to pursue academic feminism. Nevermind, I'm living the dream instead.
You are perhaps wrong in your judgement of the Modesty Blaise series. First of all, it is meant for young boys; I've never yet met a woman who evinced any interest in the Blaise character (it is stupid in literary terms).
I have something to say about the Nailer. What you have said scratches the surface. This manouevre was intended only for those occasions when there were a lot many adversaries, well-armed, spread out in all directions. Apart from the claim in Wikipedia, Modesty resorts to the 'Nailer' only on two occasions; she is justified in its use. It is a fact that a man will not gun down a naked woman, a stunning brunette at that. It is perfectly a good ploy in battle.
By the way, your comparison with the Simon Knight character is in poor taste (whoever heard of man shocking another man with his nakedness), and by that despairing effort, you rather shot yourself in the foot.
A Modesty Fan from Afghanistan
Sorry about typo, it should be Simon Templar...anyway I haven't had occasion to read it...so it doesn't really matter, does it!
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