Monday 19 November 2007

Borges Hurts My Brain...

Have you ever picked up a book, started reading and thought, “Oh, dear. I’m not sure I’m clever enough for this.”? It happened to me last night when I picked up a book of Jorge Luis Borges’ short stories. In the space of a few short pages I experienced great confusion and had to resort to the dictionary. I need a rest before I try to read the next one!

By the way, I have a theory that you can tell how seriously someone takes their literature by how they pronounce “Borges”. Pronouncing the “e” like “ay” is a bad start, and the longer they roll the r for, the less fun a person is likely to be. If you have the misfortune to find yourself speaking to someone who talks about how much they love “Borrrrrrgayz” the best thing to do is to claim to be rewriting “Mill On The Floss” with a speedboat chase at the end. This will stop them from speaking to you again.

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