I knew he was an elderly academic, but I still imagined him as better looking than this. That is why I don't approve of putting author's publicity photos on books: it gives me the chance to exercise my predjudices, of which I have many.
Maybe I should begin a quest for the worst author photo ever. Mind you, I've already got one of Spider Robinson which I suspect might be world-beating...
In other, less abusive news, the Booker longlist has been published and you know what? Because I'm not part of an organised book club I don't have read any of them unless I want to! Oh joy! (I am now capering, but you'll just have to imagine it.)
Are you sure. I'm certain this bloke had a bit part in Young Guns 2
This just in via email:
"Hello Book Club of One. I would post on your site, but I don't have a Google account and can't be bothered to get one. If I did and could however, I would post a comment re: John Sutherland entry. I understand that he looks rough since he is a recovering alcoholic, and perhaps if he had not been on the bottle for years he would look more like Keifer. On the other hand, maybe not. He was in Exeter last week at some do at the University.
Do not read Terry Eagleton or any other form of literary criticism. Take it from me, as someone who knows you fairly well, it will make you cross. There's nothing worse than having your book spoiled by some pretentious academic who spends all his/her time avoiding students whilst imposing their own agenda on fiction the like of which they will never be talented enough to write themselves. Avoid feminist criticism in particular, since it's absolute rubbish. I got a very bad mark in my feminism module because even as a meek and compliant 19 year old I thought it was cobblers."
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